Are you maker, a user or a destroyer?

Are you maker, a user or a destroyer?

I come from a long line of makers.     My Nana knitted like an angel. My Mum is a brilliant crafter – creating magical dolls, clothes and quilts, knitting and sewing her way through her life; a journey that to this day has yet to stop. My Dad was also...
Why YOU need a story: for your personal branding

Why YOU need a story: for your personal branding

Once upon a time, story was banished from business. Then one day, a lone voice in the darkness – by this time now void of story and full of pitches instead – cried out “But people believe stories, not facts.” With this, a brilliant flash of light burst...
We are all storytellers: The internet story circle

We are all storytellers: The internet story circle

A storyteller is more than a teller of tales. Storytellers are entertainers, teachers and healers with a long spiritual tradition.     Before there was the written word, the storytellers were the keepers of the history of the people. In the event of a...
Want the 'Create Compelling Brand Narratives' EBook?

Want the 'Create Compelling Brand Narratives' EBook?

Understand the seven story building blocks used to create a brand narrative

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