WORD SWORDS Blog is a story-based collection of articles that teaches storytelling techniques, voice and tone strategies that connect people to you and your brand, through content.

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Ghostwriter vs Copywriter vs Content Writers: The Differences
Every zebra is different. Across all three species, no two patterns are the same. And it's those nuanced differences that allow zebras to recognise each other: Stripes are their calling card. Similarly, ghostwriters, copywriters and content writers have distinctive...

Every Brand Needs a Genesis Story
Much has been written about the importance of brand storytelling and how the stories surrounding a brand, can either make it, or break it. Nowhere does that ring truer than for those brands driven by a purpose or ideal greater than themselves and their own...

B Corps Putting Belief, Above Profit
There’s a new sort of caring sharing change-making company, that’s gathering momentum, worldwide. Dedicated to achieving a higher purpose and striving to be the best for, not in the world, the B Corporation movement is working to redefine business success – as...

Latest Posts
Ghostwriter vs Copywriter vs Content Writers: The Differences
Every zebra is different. Across all three species, no two patterns are the same. And it's those nuanced differences that allow zebras to recognise each other: Stripes are their calling card. Similarly, ghostwriters, copywriters and content writers have distinctive...
Every Brand Needs a Genesis Story
Much has been written about the importance of brand storytelling and how the stories surrounding a brand, can either make it, or break it. Nowhere does that ring truer than for those brands driven by a purpose or ideal greater than themselves and their own...
B Corps Putting Belief, Above Profit
There’s a new sort of caring sharing change-making company, that’s gathering momentum, worldwide. Dedicated to achieving a higher purpose and striving to be the best for, not in the world, the B Corporation movement is working to redefine business success – as...
5 Flavours of Lip-Smacking Content
Ice cream is loved the world over. It’s a special treat, comfort food and a memory maker… Just the thought of it fills us with so much feel-goodness, that we can’t help but say 'Mmm'. Now hold onto that feeling, because that’s exactly what great content should...
Too Much Choice Leads to Nothing
You’re stuck. By too much choice. And it’s bad for you. Is that statement right, or wrong? Maybe. Or maybe not. Feeling conflicted? That's highly likely. Your mind’s now swimming and you’re considering whether you really have time to read this article and find...
What does ‘she’ want? Products, service and spaces with an authentic female focus
Every woman’s life is a unique story. Yet her demands overlap, with her soul-sister’s. This final article in a 5-part series on the Power of the Female Economy, explains how women’s shortlist of product wants and needs, isn’t that complicated. It’s an obvious...

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