Guesting, Messaging/Copywriting, Strategy
Every woman’s life is a unique story. Yet her demands overlap, with her soul-sister’s. This final article in a 5-part series on the Power of the Female Economy, explains how women’s shortlist of product wants and needs, isn’t that complicated. It’s an obvious...
Guesting, Messaging/Copywriting, Strategy
Men and women differ. And their buying habits, are no different. Shopping is female. This fourth article in a series on the Power of the Female Economy, explains how women follow a spiral pattern when buying – that moves between logic and emotion. But...
Guesting, Messaging/Copywriting, Strategy
Women and men are different. That’s obvious. But it’s the minutiae that counts. This third article in a series on the Power of the Female Economy, explains how women are as different psychologically as they are biologically, from men… which directly affects...
Guesting, Messaging/Copywriting, Strategy
It never fails to surprise me. Women make up just over half the world’s population and control well over half the spending, yet few businesses acknowledge them as the unequivocally dominant consumer force (and market) on the planet. This second article in a series on...
Guesting, Messaging/Copywriting, Strategy
The exact point at which people started buying and using stuff that they fancied, but didn’t need to survive, is vague.However, the consumerist life we’re now living is only the latest chapter of quite a long story. The first article in this series on the Power of the...
Guesting, Messaging/Copywriting, Strategy
Let’s uncover a few truths. Great lingerie can make a woman feel sexy. And you’ll pay (often a lot) to be part of that story. But it wasn’t always that way. A single brand elevated the price and position of intimate apparel, to unprecedented heights. Who was it and...