Guesting, Messaging/Copywriting, Strategy
She’s a branding superstar … dressed as a popstar. Why? Well it’s hard not to notice the impossibly perfect red lipstick. Then comes the obvious talent and fashionista looks. But it’s the loyal relationship she’s built with her fans, that makes her a brilliant...
Guesting, Messaging/Copywriting
Baking benefits into your brand mix makes it magical. It’s actually almost alchemical. You put sticky spoonfuls of dough in the oven and you get warm, gooey cookies. Except … it’s not really magic, it’s science. Similarly, by baking benefits into your brand … it will...
Guesting, Messaging/Copywriting
Sometimes you can get a little too much sun, basking in the glory of building your brand. So much so, that you start hearing voices telling you “If you build it, they will come.” That line may have worked for Kevin Costner’s character in Field of Dreams, but...
Guesting, Messaging/Copywriting
I dribbled. Well, salivated. Actually drooled. But I had nothing witty, sage or tasteful to say. No words at all. I was too busy trying to control my mouth excretions. Frankly, I just couldn’t believe … my tastebuds. Ever since the “Sweet...