4 little known people who affect your writing

4 little known people who affect your writing

People leave scars on you. Some are painful, deep and lasting. Others are less so and polish out over time.   My fourth grade teacher left one that’s stayed with me, but thankfully did no lasting damage. Yes, she commented on my writing. Mrs Williamson (AKA the...
Feeding your readers: eating your words

Feeding your readers: eating your words

Writing is a symphony of ingredients. Once consumed, they should satisfy, nourish and enthrall your reader. But unless the flavours are harmonised, your words won’t feed the soul.   So start at the beginning. Writing is all about satisfying readers – the...
Breadcrumb copywriting: leading your reader

Breadcrumb copywriting: leading your reader

Breadcrumbing is a technique often used in writing novels. Hansel and Gretel used it on their way to the witch’s gingerbread house. It also works well for schnitzel.   Although both the gingerbread house and schnitzel are of Germanic heritage, breadcrumbs are a...
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Understand the seven story building blocks used to create a brand narrative

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