The word passion evokes as many thoughts, emotions and definitions as there are people.

Each is different, yet equally true for each us and they often come from our core.


Passions really are our deepest and truest desires. They add to life. They open us up and widen our horizons; they do not destroy or close down our view.

In an earlier post I shared with you my 2011 word-resolution, of openness. Progress so far has been swift and on broad fronts. It has even tested my word choice. Trying to remain open (even when I know my normal reaction would be the opposite) to whatever’s being presented has at times been hard. And I’ve realised that my word choice was linked to another word, passion.

For the purposes of this, I should say that I consider passion to be different to motivation. Passion is energy, flow and desire. Passion is the big picture. Motivation is more closely aligned to willpower, drive and specific achievements.

Each of us has passion (often many), but it’s sometimes buried deep inside, hidden from view and the ability to stretch itself into a full-blown story of your life ahead.

Countless entrepreneurs have searched, found and learnt their passion and harnessed it into successful businesses – of course remembering, that is whatever their individual definition of success may be. Dollars aren’t always the carrot. It’s often choice and freedom.

Their businesses have often become successful because of the passion that drives them; the dream that wakes them each morning and envelopes them in bed at night. If you can find your passion, make it work for you in a similar way.

It’s been found that the six steps listed below work in most situations where you want to live your passion – whether that be your dream job, money, launch a new product, start a business, get a new home, become abundant or simply happier.

  1. Find your passion, talent or idea
  2. Follow it, wherever it leads
  3. Get good at it, really good at it
  4. Build a tribe or audience to follow you
  5. Share the passion with them
  6. Grow together

The task of finding your passion, of course, is another post.


Photo via stock.xchng user ayla87


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