I’ve been absent. In mind, if not body – following paths. And in doing that, I became a visitor to my blog, not its roommate. It’s tricky … noticing absence. At first you notice it. You feel foggy and slightly uncomfortable. Then the...
You can learn why things are happening by being in conversations … and from listening very carefully. That’s where most of my ideas come from. But what about you? Where do you get ideas from? My marketing background and natural writer’s curiosity...
The word passion evokes as many thoughts, emotions and definitions as there are people. Each is different, yet equally true for each us and they often come from our core. Passions really are our deepest and truest desires. They add to life. They open us up and...
While doing some research on starting my business blog, I came across a new way (for me) to start off the New Year. Unlike many, I don’t celebrate the dawning of a New Year. I don’t mark it with a toast, party hard or make a list of resolutions that I...
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