Once upon a time there was a brand.

Its name isn’t important, but its story is…


The brand wasn’t magical, nor did it have special powers.

But the brand did have a strong following, faith in itself and the role it played in lives.

The brand wasn’t just the name on its box.

Nor was it the thing in the box, either.

The brand was a promise.

It was the collective of all the emotions, thoughts, pictures, possibilities, gossip and history that had happened in its life.

When stripped bare, the brand proposition contained its bone and marrow.

The core values of itself.

Every conversation carried its beliefs.

Each touch left its essence.

It meant something.

Just one thing.

An adjective.



The simple truth

Can the story of your brand be stripped down to one word?

What [single] adjective can stand-in as the one word that represents your brand’s collective story?

Postscript: Choose your word carefully. Once the brand and adjective marry, it’s binding.  Divorce would be ugly.
Photo credit: andrea joseph’s illustrations via photopin cc


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