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At first there was nothing. Then there was something.

In between, there was immense pressure … and the big bang.

That’s the way the universe sprang into existence.

The consumption bang

At first, you took only what you needed to survive and could personally use.

Then came consumerism.

In between, there was the pressure of post-war manufacturing booms, mass-marketing … and the big bang of buying more than you actually need.


The copywriting bang

Now we live in a transactional world; filled with buyers and sellers.

As a copywriter, you need to create desires for things that are not really needed.

But if you want to become an all-powerful, all-consuming and revered copywriter, then you need to master just one thing.

You need to convert people into buyers – of products, services and ideas – and make things happen.

That is the essence of copywriting.


The 5 building blocks of the copywriting universe

  1. You need to appeal to the wants and desires of customers – not their needs.
  2. You need to focus on your customers.
  3. Day in, day out, walk in their shoes.
  4. You need to transform their feelings, thoughts and goals into powerful words that get action (and reaction).
  5. You need to write to sell.

And the ONLY thing that will get their attention and keep it is something aimed perfectly at them – their interests, concerns, problems – and their lives.

You need to focus on the B-word. Not the F-word.

The B-word makes a big bang …

Benefits make things happen.


Take the pen

But what about features? Aren’t they important?

Which do you think is more important – or are they inseparable?


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