Killing two birds with one stone.



Two peas in a pod.

Two of a kind.



The list goes on and on of idioms about the word two.

I constantly have to look up the meaning of mathematical terms for my kids (don’t know why they’re not stickier). I now know that the word two: is an even number, a cardinal number, a prime number, the sum of one plus one and is equally divisible.

But there’s more to it than just its mathematical features.

It has some intangible benefits.

Especially when it comes to learning the skills of a master designer, marketer and writer.

The old Rule of Two: Two colours, two fonts, two syllables.

Pretty simple really.


What’s it mean?

The less information (and stimuli) that you give your audience/reader/prospect to ‘learn’ about you, the better the chance you have that they’ll absorb it. And remember it.

It’s about stickiness.


1.      Too many font sizes

i.            Don’t let confusion reign.

ii.           It’s best to restrict your font sizes to two to maintain clarity and design simplicity.

iii.          One font for headlines; one for body copy.

iv.          You can bold or enlarge your headings, but keep all body copy the same size.


2.     Too many font faces

i.            Yet another deadly design killer.

ii.          Limit your fonts to a maximum of two different font faces.

iii.         Choose the same font face for your body copy and headlines. Keep it very basic and easy to read. This font is about functionality.

iv.          Choose another font face for your graphics, navigation (in the case of web) and logo. This can be slightly more fancy or artistic and will give your design flair.


3.     Too many colours

i.            Limit your palette of colours.

ii.          Stick with what most successful big brand logos and designers do, which is restrain the hues used.

iii.          Two colours make it easy to remember and associate with a brand.


4.     Too many syllables

i.            Keep your words clean and clear.

ii.           Multi-syllable words are harder to read, remember and they slow the rate and level of absorption.

iii.          Ideally one syllable words keep the readers eye moving quickly and help those who scan or skim materials and screens.

iv.          Two syllables are the maximum number for ideal readability.

Remember the Goldilocks Rule?

She kept trying until she found a porridge that was just right.

Make sure you deliver work (be it design, writing or marketing) that is just right for your audience.

And make it easy for them to remember it.



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