Sitting at my keyboard today, my mind is empty.



The space inside is quiet.

It’s dark and silent.


What am I to say?

Nothing comes.

Then, an image.

A bowl.

A  simple bowl.

An empty bowl.

A symbol, perhaps?

But what does it mean?

Empty space.

An empty bowl.

Waiting to be filled.

Open my mind and take whatever is given today.

* * *

I set out.

Like a Zen monk.

Patiently seeing what my day will offer.

To fill my bowl.

And accept whatever is placed in my bowl as nourishment and inspiration for the day.

* * *

What did I receive?

More than I imagined.

Clearer eyes to see the world.

Fuller heart from meaningful exchanges.

Receiving hands to accept what was passed on.

Learning to take whatever comes and acknowledge it with grace, gratitude and gallantry; regardless.

Really everything I needed.

I am at once both empty and full.

* * *

What of my three lessons?


1. You need little

Blogging cannot be taught.
You must experience your craft.
Cultivate your creativity.
Practice it with care.
Carry simple tools.
Let your intuition guide you to unconscious competence.

2. Be present

Open your mind.
The soul of writing is wordless.
Through small pleasures we give and receive joy.
See the small.
Let go of the struggle.
If you are distracted by the path ahead, your eyes fail to see.

3. Forget numbers

Zero is heaven.
As a circle it has no beginning or end.
Crowds can still be an empty room.
Productivity doesn’t equate to value.
Spare has great worth, yet seemingly no substance.
Simplify your struggles.

Life is an experience, where the road is not straight and paradox is your sign post.

Accept that your blogging journey can be simultaneously beautiful and difficult.

And start and end each day the same: Empty handed, but full hearted.


Note: The bowl lessons are my own, as experienced today. The bowl symbol has nods to one of my favourite books Everyday Sacred (non-affiliated link).


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