A world view is a conceptual framework that helps tie everything together; it allows you to understand the world and your place in it.

Creating a writing world view can help you make decisions that may shape your writing future.

It could even help you slay your foes.


Rather than focusing on small sections of your writing reality, creating an overall world view could provide you with a more complete picture – of your writing life as a whole. Where it’s been, where it’s going, what you want it to be.

In particular, it could help you understand and cope with challenges and change.

Do you know what yours would read like?


Reader Challenge

In honour of last week being Words Matter Week in the US, let’s have a challenge.

Using the simple, surprisingly addictive six-word writing device, pen (and pixel) your writing world view.



First, some background for those who are not familiar with the six word format.

As the story goes, Ernest Hemingway was asked to write a six-word story. He famously wrote “For Sale: baby shoes, never worn.”

What he did with this simple statement was prove that an entire story can be written in just six words.

Since then, SMITH Magazine took up their own slant on the six-word challenge. In 2006 they asked their readers to submit their own six-word memoirs. Thousands of submissions, much bickering over counting hyphenated words, dinner party challenges and several compilation books later, the six-word memoir is still very much alive and kicking.

To get your mind going, here are some fave six-word memoirs from the first SMITH compilation book, Not Quite What I Was Planning: Six-Word Memoirs” (non-affiliate link):  


Cursed with cancer.

Blessed with friends.

–         Hannah Davies

Aging late bloomer

Yearns for do-over.

–         Sydney Zvara

No Wife.

No Kids.

No Problems.

–         Rip Riley

Coulda, shoulda, woulda:

A regretful life.

–         Joe Maida


My writing world view

What started out as a bit of fun, quickly developed into an obsession (like I need any more) and a more serious exercise.

So here are my attempts – tongue-in-cheek ones as well as more business-y  (for WORD SWORDS) – for you:


Thinking is easy. Writing is hard.

Words are my drug of choice

Red-haired word-warrior on war path

BRAVE. BOLD. BELIEVE. It’s about courage.

WRITER for hire. THINKER for free.

Straw at hand spun into gold

Wildly hire-able writer and storytelling fiend

Handforged, persuasive writing is sticky communication

Uses smarts over strength, with lion-heart

Word warrior slays fears and foes

Wilful red-haired teen, determined red-haired writer

Wordplay is better than foreplay

Obscure and famous in own lunchtime


And for fun (nothing to do with writing)…

A good bra solves life’s woes.


Now it’s your turn

What would your six-word writing world view read (and look) like?


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