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Most of us are short on time today.

We constantly need to maximise the outcomes from the inputs. So given you are short on time and big on needs, here’s another super quick, super-actionable marketing plan that is very heavy on making-it-happen.



When writing a marketing plan (in whatever format), the critical thing to keep in mind is your customers. Without them you have nothing.

My blog plan was a similarly ‘superhero’ style plan. It lives, breathes, grows and changes as my business and needs direct.

True to form, superhero plans need to be short, easy to do, very practically oriented and BIG on implementation.

This one should be short, bullet point style – more of a ‘To Do’ list than a formal multi-page document – hence why it’s only 1-2 pages.


The tactical 1-2 page marketing plan

Short, summary points should be listed under each of the following headings and then a monthly plan of tactical actions to implement.

Not in order of importance:

  1. Goals (specific and measurable)
  2. Strategies
  3. Target market
  4. Industry trends
  5. Top 3 competitors
  6. Your strengths
  7. Your weaknesses
  8. Yearly marketing budget
  9. Product (or service) description
  10. Price
  11. Placement (distribution)
  12. Promotion
  13. People (a new, optional 5th P in the mix)
  14. Monthly Tactics – Jan; Feb; Mar; Apr; May; Jun; Jul; Aug; Sept; Oct; Nov; Dec


Do you know any other great super-hero style marketing plan formats? 

Photo via stock.xchng user ebdot


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