Have you ever woken up in the morning and felt an ache inside?

A feeling that there’s something more you need to do?

That you’re destined for something greater?


So go do it.

Make a mark.

Or even … just begin.


But sometimes you need a kick-start.

Here’s a few for you:


What creative legacy do you want to leave?

Look for places to make a difference.


What mark you want to leave as a unique reminder of your life?

Find people and places where you can add, not take away.


What undiscovered treasures have you dreamt of finding?

Open new eyes to hidden gems.


How wide is your life right now?

Make sure you live life’s width as well as its length.


What’s your passion, something you’re always talking about everywhere you go?

Make you heart sing.


We’re only here once (that we’re sure of).

Make sure you’ve left something.


What can you add?


Photo credit: TheAlieness GiselaGiardino²³ via photopin cc

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